Did you know that 25% of American families have no savings at all? Finance can be a difficult topic in this economy. If you take an online finance training course, you might not become rich instantly, but you probably will find it easier to manage your finances, save money, and potentially, move up your company ladder or enter a new industry all together. Here are three things you should know about online finance training.
1. Not Every Deal is a Good Deal
This week, many papers were running the story that Donald Trump is getting sued for his allegedly phony real estate courses run by Trump University to the tune of $40 million. Several students state that they paid thousands of dollars for what ended up being generic tips that did not help them at all. It is easy to look at this situation and laugh at people who would pay $35,000 for a three day course, but when people are worried about money they become vulnerable to all sorts of schemes. Make sure any course you consider investing in has high ratings and good feedback.
2. Learn the Basics
Whether for business or personal, many people lack basic knowledge about everyday finance. If you need finance help, look for courses that offer lessons on accounting, investing, and expected value. If you are looking for courses to specifically help you in a career context, look for classes that will help you learn how to get maximum tax benefits, judging whether assets are fully utilized, and assess asset value.
3. Even an Entrepreneur Needs Help
Did you know that 46% of start up businesses fail because of financial incompetence? One of the biggest mistakes entrepreneurs make is assuming that they do not need to learn financial principles in order to run a business. Some of the specific issues they encounter are no pricing knowledge, tax nonpayment, bad financial planning, and a lack of record keeping experience. Online finance help can prevent your new company from becoming just another statistic.
What would you like to learn about from finance courses? Let us know in the comments!